Publikationen - AK Ernährung


  1. Heß M, Schüle S, Lindig U, Ernst T, Diebolder H, Liebusch AK, Mathies V, Huebner J: Cancer and malnutrition – study of the nutritional status of patients on oncological wards versus their personal-reflection. Ernahrungs Umschau 2020; 67(11): 206–12.
  2. Scheerer B; Buchholz D, Sanchez H, Schmunz J, Träger W, Selig L, Heinemann V, Erickson N. PRIO Practical Recipie Ideas for Oncology . Oncol Res Treat 2020;43(suppl 1):1–265 180
  3. Scheerer B; Hübner J, Sanchez H, Buchholz D, Schmunz J, Träger W, Selig L, Blumers A, Neubauer S, Heinemann V, Erickson N. Wissenschaftsbasierte Entwicklung von patientenorientierten Rezeptideen in der Onkologie. Forum 5. 2020 408-410
  4. Baier L, Hübner J, Kerschbaum E, Erickson N. Krebsdiäten: patientenzentrierte Kommunikationsstrategien; Onkologe 2021; 27:148–153
  5. Sonneborn Papakostopoulos M. Dubois C, Mathies V, Hess M, Erickson N, Ernst T, Huebner J. Quality of life, symptoms and dietary habits in oncology outpatients with malnutrition: A cross-sectional study; Med Oncol 2021; 38:20
  6. von Grundherr, J., Reudelsterz, C. Gesunde Ernährung und Mangelernährung bei Krebs. Onkologe 27, 108–119 (2021).
  7. Wiese F, Kutschan S, Doerfler J, Mathies V, Buentzel J, Buentzel J, Huebner J. Green tea and green tea extract in oncological treatment: A systematic review; Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2021, 1–13;
  8. Schmid A, Mathies V, Buentzel J, Keinki C, Huebner J. Diet Changes and Underlying Motives in Cancer Patients, Nutrition and Cancer 2021; 2022;74(6):2017-2028
  9. Schmidt L, Erickson NT, Reudelsterz C, von Grundherr J, Rubin D, Lambeck A, Köpcke U, Arends J, Hübner J for the German Cancer Society, Working Group Prevention and Integrative Oncology (PRIO); German Society for Hematology and Medical Oncology, Working Group Nutrition, Metabolism, Exercise; German Association of Dietitians; and the Professional Association of Oecotrophologists: Neutropenic diet during high-dose therapy: a risk for patients. Ernahrungs Umschau 2022; 69(3): 24–9; DOI: 10.4455/eu.2021.009
  10. Drexler U, Dörfler J,  von Grundherr J, Erickson N, Hübner J. Fasting during cancer treatment: a systematic review; Qual Life Res 2022;
  11. Kastrati K, Mathies V, Kipp AP, Huebner J. Patient‑reported experiences with side effects of kidney cancer therapies and corresponding information flow; J Patient-Reported Outcomes 2022; 6:126
  12. Boesenecker SJ; Mathies V, Buentzel J, Huebner J. Nutrition and physical activity in cancer patients: a survey on their information sources; J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2022;
  13. Boesenecker SJ; Mathies V, Buentzel J, Huebner J. How can counselling by family physicians on nutrition and physical activity be improved: trends from a survey in Germany; J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2022;
  14. Mohring S, von Grundherr J, Mathies V, Hübner J: Internet Information
    for Cancer Patients on Nutritional Behaviour. An Analysis of German-Speaking Websites. Ernahrungs Umschau 2023; 70(4): 42–53.
  15. Mathies V, Krings O, Keinki C, Micke O, Hübner J. Vitamin D deficiency in cancer care: Information, diagnnosis, and supplementation form the patients' point of view; Trace Elements Electrolytes 2023(4): 143-151

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