Publikationen - AK Kommunikation

  1. Zomorodbakhsch B, Keinki C, Seilacher E, Huebner J. Cancer Patients Numeracy and Preferences for Information Presentation—a Survey Among German Cancer Patients; J Cancer Edu 2020;35:22–27
  2. Eisfeld H. Bauer F, Dubois C, Schmidt T, Kastrati K, Hochhaus A, Hübner J. Importance of and Satisfaction with Information about Their Disease in Cancer Patients; J Cancer Edu 2020;35:403–411
  3. Walter S, Keinki C, Hübner J. Therapieentscheidungen in der Onkologie Gratwanderung zwischen Ehrlichkeit und Hoffnung, Lebenszeit und Lebensqualität; HNO 2020; 68:492–497
  4. Hübner J, Poeck J, Keinki C, Salomo S. Digital communication for patient care – a new approach; Oncol Res Treat 2020;43(suppl 4):238
  5. Schneider N, Bäcker A, Brenk-Franz K, Keinki C, Hübner J, Brandt F, von der Winkel G, Hager L, Strauss B, Altmann U. Patient information, communication and competence empowerment in oncology (PIKKO) – evaluation of a supportive care intervention for overall oncological patients. Study protocol of a nonrandomized controlled trial; BMC Med Res Meth 2020:20:120
  6. Christiansen N, Walter S, Zomorodbakhsch B, Ahmadi Sartakhti E, Hübner J. Assessment of Self-Efficacy as a Way to Help Identify Cancer Patients Who Might Benefit from Self-Help Group Attendance?, Cancer Investigation 2021;39:2:133-143
  7. Baier L, Hübner J, Kerschbaum E, Erickson N. Krebsdiäten: patientenzentrierte Kommunikationsstrategien; Onkologe 2021; 27:148–153
  8. Welter S, Keinki C, Ahmadi E, Huebner J. Lay Etiology, Self-Efficacy and Patient Activation Among Cancer Patients, Cancer Investigation 2021; DOI: 10.1080/07357907.2021.1878528
  9. Keinki C, Momberg A, Clauß K, Bozkurt G, Hertel E, Freuding M, Josfeld L, Huebner J. Effect of question prompt lists for cancer patients on communication and mental health outcomes —A systematic review, PatientEducCouns,
  10. Josfeld L, Keinki C, Pammer C, Zomorodbakhsch B, Hübner J. Cancer patients’ perspective on shared decision-making and decision aids in oncology; J Cancer Res Clin Oncol; 2021;
  11. Schneider N, Bäcker A, Strauss B, Hübner J, Rubai S, Wagner S  et al. Patient information, communication and competence empowerment in oncology: Results and learnings from the PIKKO study; Supportive Care Cancer 2023; 31:327

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