Publikationen - AK Körperliche Aktivität

  1. Rudolph I, Dubois C, Schmidt T, Micke O, Wozniak T, Hübner J (2020) Gesellschaftstanz als alternative körperliche Aktivität für Krebspatienten zur Verbesserung ihres Wohlbefindens, Prävention und Rehabilitation, Jahrgang 32, S. 1-8
  2. Eisfeld H, Bauer F, Dubois C, Schmidt T, Kastrati K, Hochhaus A, Hübner J (2020) Importance of and Satisfaction with Information about Their Disease in Cancer Patients, Journal of Cancer Education 35:403–411
  3. Roth I, Dubois C, Schmidt T, Hübner J. Attitude of cancer patients from online self-help groups towards physical activity; J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2020 Jun;146(6):1583-1590
  4. Thieser S, Dörfler J, Rudolph I, Wozniak T, Schmidt T, Hübner J. Influence of ballroom dancing on fatigue, body image, self- efficacy, and endurance of cancer patients and their partners; Medical Oncology 2021; 38:15
  5. Boesenecker SJ; Mathies V, Buentzel J, Huebner J. Nutrition and physical activity in cancer patients: a survey on their information sources; J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2022;
  6. Boesenecker SJ; Mathies V, Buentzel J, Huebner J. How can counselling by family physicians on nutrition and physical activity be improved: trends from a survey in Germany; J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2022;
  7. Keinki C, Rudolph I, Wozniak T, Pietsch R, Margolina M, Garcia I, Mayr-Welschlau K, Schmidt T, Hübner J. A virtual dance sport class for cancer patients: the trainer perspective; J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2022;
  8. Hübner J, Rudolph I, Wozniak T, Pietsch R, Margolina M, Garcia I, Mayr-Welschlau K, Schmidt T, Keinki C, on behalf of Working Group Prevention and Integrative Oncology of the German Cancer Society Evaluation of a Virtual Dance Class for Cancer Patients and Their Partners during the Corona Pandemic—A Real-World Observational Study. Curr. Oncol. 2023, 30, 4427–4436

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